
Here you will find all you need to get started with Pay with Wave Money


Pay with Wave Money is an online payment solution by Digital Money Myanmar Limited (Wave Money) that allows online merchants to accept payments securely and instantly.

This document covers the essential information, processes, and other relevant aspects for merchant technical integration with the Pay with Wave Money Platform. This document contains confidential information and is not intended to be viewed by unapproved external parties. All information and processes in the document are subject to edits and changes from Wave Money.

How it works

WavePay Payment Gateway allows merchant to integrate to WavePay Payment Gateway with minimum effort and enjoy the full benefits of enhanced security and full suite of payment options. Accepting payment is easier with WavePay Payment Gateway.


Merchants who wish to have access to the API are required to provide the client_id and client_secret, which they Requests to access the API is only accepted on presentation of the correct credentials. All requests from merchants systems to WavePay Payment Gateway API take place over HTTPS. Certificate for HTTPS endpoints for callback URL need to be from recognized Certificate Authorities (CAs), i.e., not self-signed and must implemented with standard port 443.


Merchants can use the testing environment to do their functional integrations. Once the integration testing in test environment is finished, the switch to our production system can be made. This mean that all endpoints for both environments and the credentials have to be obtained for both.

Environment URL

We will be provided the Client ID and Client Secret to access both environments.

Payment Request Header

The Header of Payment Request Header will have the following content

Name Description Type Mandatory
merchant_id Merchant ID provided by Wave Money string Mandatory
order_id Order ID provided by Merchant string Mandatory
merchant_reference_id Unique ID for every transaction string Mandatory
frontend_result_url Merchant's Website URL string Mandatory
backend_result_url Merchant's Web Service callback URL string Mandatory
amount Total Amount string Mandatory
timeToLiveSeconds Time to Live for transaction (seconds) string Mandatory
payment_description Payment Description to display on Payment Screen string Mandatory
merchant_name Merchant Name to display on Payment Screen string Mandatory
items Items to display on Payment Screen string Mandatory
Hash Needed for Hash Validationg string Mandatory

How to integrate

WavePay Payment Gateway allows merchant to integrate to WavePay Payment Gateway with minimum effort and enjoy the full benefits of enhanced security and full suite of payment options. Accepting payment is easier with WavePay Payment Gateway.

Prepare Pay with Wave button

Setup Merchant Credentials

$data = [
	// string - Merchant Name for Payment Screen
	'merchant_name' => "Wave Merchant",

	// string - Merchant id provided by Wave Money
	'merchant_id' => "wavemerchant",

    // unsigned integer - Time to live for Transaction (seconds)
    'timeToLiveSeconds' => 300,

	// unsigned integer - Order id provided Merchant
	'order_id' => rand(1000000, 9999999),

	// unsigned integer - Total Amount of transaction
	'amount' => 50,

	// string - mendatory backend url for Payment Service
	'backend_result_url' => "",

	// string - mendatory frontend url for Payment Service
	'frontend_result_url' => "",

	// string - Unique Merchant Reference ID for Transaction
	'merchant_reference_id' => "wavemerchant-" . rand(1000000, 9999999),

	// string - Payment Description for Payment Screen from Merchant
	'payment_description' => "Buying things from Wave Merchant"

// Secret Key provided by Wave Money
$secret_key = "w2u";

Items to display on Payment Screen

$items = [
    ['name' => "Test Product 1", 'amount' => 1000],
    ['name' => "Test Product 2", 'amount' => 500]

Generate Hash

$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', implode("", [
]), $secret_key);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Wave Merchant Integration</title>
    <form action="" method="POST">
        <input type="hidden" name="timeToLiveSeconds" value="<?php echo $data['timeToLiveSeconds']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="<?php echo $data['order_id']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="merchant_reference_id" value="<?php echo $data['merchant_reference_id']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="frontend_result_url" value="<?php echo $data['frontend_result_url']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="backend_result_url" value="<?php echo $data['backend_result_url']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $data['amount']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="payment_description" value="<?php echo $data['payment_description']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="merchant_name" value="<?php echo $data['name']; ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="items" value="<?php echo json_encode($items); ?>">
        <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="<?php echo $hash; ?>">
        <button class="btn btn-primary">Pay with Wave</button>
Call Back

Wave Pay System will call the “call-back URL” that is provided in the request form

HTTP Method - POST

Type - application/json

Request JSON Example

  "status": " PAYMENT_CONFIRMED"

  "merchantId": "food2u",

  "orderId": "7",

  "merchantReferenceId": "7",

  "frontendResultUrl": "http://test-dev:8080/frontendurl",

  "backendResultUrl": "http://test-dev:8080/callbackurl",

  "initiatorMsisdn": "9791009080",

  "amount": 1,

  "timeToLiveSeconds": 300,

  "paymentDescription": "shirts for Men",

  "currency": "MMK",

  "hashValue": "29e9486e727ac0e4f185c3b757cf8892e59eb8d292c23f11d13926bb0bdae798",

  "additionalField1": null,

  "additionalField2": null,

  "additionalField3": null,

  "additionalField4": null,

  "additionalField5": null,

  "transactionId": "360",

  "paymentRequestId": "360",

  "requestTime": "2019-11-06T15:38:56"
Property Name Type Property Description
Status mandatory Please see the status description below
merchantId mandatory merchant_id that is defined and agreed on both sides. example - food2u, sgshop
orderId optional kinda `invoice_id` from merchant side. there will be only one `order_id` for one order whilst there can be many `merchantReferenceId`
merchantReferenceId mandatory, unique It should be a unique string for every call.
frontendResultUrl mandatory redirect url - response to web
backendResultUrl mandatory call back url to merchant server
initiatorMsisdn mandatory purchaser msisdn (Phone number)
amount mandatory total amount
timeToLiveSeconds mandatory time out amount. Limit 10 minutes
paymentDescription optional a brief title or description of the buying item. example - 3 Tuna Sandwiches
currency optional
transactionId MFS billcollect transactionId
paymentRequestId payment_request primary key
requestTime now() -- serverTime
hashValue hash_hmac(merchantId+orderId+amount+backendResultUrl+merchantReferenceId+initiatorMsisdn+transactionId+paymentRequestId+requestTime) -- with hash secret key

















    TRANSACTION_TIMED_OUT -- transaction has timed out when committing the payment

    PAYMENT_RETRIEVAL_FAILED -- issue in retrieving payment details

    MERCHANT_RETRIEVAL_FAILED -- issue in retrieving merchant details


Create a simple user experience

Button selection and placement

You can place the Log In with Pay with wave button anywhere on your website. To maintain a simple user experience, wave money recommends:

Display the Login with Pay with wave button in a highly visible location, such as in

your website header where other triggers to log in or register exist. Clearly

displaying the familiar Wave Money brand on your website can increase

customer confidence.